Valentine Mwende Mulwa-Wanyoike
A member of the Competition Appeals Tribunal since 19th May 2019. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Commissioner for Oaths, Notary Public and Patent Agent. Admitted to the Kenyan Bar in 2003. A graduate of the University of Nairobi where she attained a Bachelor of Laws (Upper Second) in 2001 and subsequently a Master of Laws degree in International Economic Law from the same University in 2016.
Has undergone Professional Training in Corporate Governance under the auspices of the Centre for Corporate Governance (2013); Arbitration under the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2013); Oil and Gas Masterclass under the International Center for Energy and Ministry of Energy Kenya (2013); Patent Drafting and Prosecution under Kenya Industrial Property Institute (2014); Alternative Dispute Resolution under NCMG (2014) ; Negotiating, Financing and Resolving Disputes in Oil and Gas Transactions Under the International Center for Energy and Strathmore University (2014); Registration and Structuring of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) under the auspices of the Kenya School of Law (2015); Public Private Partnerships Transactions under Kenya School of Law and Fundamental Considerations of Oil and Gas Transactions under Strathmore University and ISLP (2018).
She is currently the Managing Partner at the Law Firm of Kairu and McCourt Advocates.